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(9月18日)Development of Fully Autonomous Unmanned Systems
来源:科研管理部   发表时间:2018-09-17  阅读次数:17115

      题目:Development of Fully Autonomous Unmanned Systems



      报告人:Ben M. Chen

                   Professor of Mechanical and Automation Engineering Chinese University of Hong Kong

                   Professor & Provost’s Chair Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering National University of Singapore

      主持人:同济大学电子与信息工程学院院长 陈启军


      In this talk, we aim to report some recent advancements in unmanned systems research, which are developed by the Unmanned Systems Research Group at National University of Singapore. Emphases are placed on mission management, motion planning and perception technologies that are capable of autonomously guiding, navigating and controlling unmanned systems in cluttered and GPS-denied environments, such as hostile buildings, sewer tunnels, radiation contaminated areas and inside forests, to intelligently provide solutions to real life problems. Topics under studied include multi-sensor data fusion, real-time simultaneous localization and mapping, dynamic path planning in unknown environments, and intelligent mission planning and management.

      About the speaker

      Dr. Ben M. Chen is a Fellow of IEEE. He is currently a Professor and Provost’s Chair in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, and a Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong. His current research focus is on topics related to unmanned aerial systems, robust control, control applications, and financial market modeling. Dr. Chen has published more than 400 journal and conference articles, and a dozen research monographs by Springer, London. He had served on the editorial boards of several international journals including IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Systems & Control Letters, and Automatica. He currently serves as an Editor-in-Chief of Unmanned Systems.

      陈本美博士,现为香港中文大学机械与自动化工程系教授和新加坡国立大学教务长之首席教授,目前主要研究无人系统以及系统与控制理论和应用。陈博士在国际刊物和会议上发表论文400多篇以及在纽约和伦敦等地出版专著10部(其中3部被译成中文在北京出版)。现任国际刊物Unmanned Systems主编,曾任或现任10多家国际学术刊物编委或顾问,其中包括IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control和Automatica。陈教授于2007年以其在线性系统和鲁棒控制理领域之贡献获选IEEE Fellow。



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